the future is yours to create.
Have you ever wondered why your city looks the way it does? Somewhere, people are making decisions about your environment and how it operates that will effect you for your entire life, and for the lives of generations after you.
We think you could do it better.
Architects play a major role in designing the world around us. They make decisions every day that influence how we live, where we go, and how we understand our environment. Unfortunately, these decisions don’t always work to the benefit of all people. If you want the spaces you live in to reflect your community and its values, you need a seat at the table.
Become an Architect.
How do you become an Architect?
Architects are licensed professionals. This means that specific requirements must be met to become an Architect.
Preparation for becoming an architect starts now, in your middle and high school years. It’s time to start thinking about what you look like as a college applicant. Focus on your studies, join relevant clubs, volunteer with organizations related to architecture, and even reach out to local architects to shadow them at their work.
Perhaps the most important piece of preparation is to create your design portfolio. This collection of projects might include sketches, photography, paintings, sculpture, or any number of other artistic endeavors that show colleges your creative potential.
A degree from an accredited program is required to become licensed. Accredited programs are typically 5 year professional degrees, or 4 year degrees plus a 1-2 year Masters. Many students work during their summers and winters to gain experience and help pay for their studies. Scholarships are also available for architecture students.
Architecture students get to work on amazing projects and spend a considerable amount of time creating drawings and building models. Having success in college will require hard work, but you will be rewarded with an incredibly creative college experience, and a brand new way of viewing the world.
Each state requires a certain number of hours of work experience under a licensed architect in order to become licensed. You can start working in an architecture firm at any time, but it is uncommon for firms to hire students who haven’t finished one year of architecture school.
Work experience is diverse, ranging from conceptual project design to visiting construction sites. By the time you complete your required hours of experience, you will have seen nearly the full range of roles that Architects play from the early stages of a project all the way through completion.
You must pass the Architectural Registration Exams (AREs) in order to become licensed. The AREs test candidates on their knowledge of the practice of architecture in a variety of areas. They are traditionally taken anytime after graduating from college, but have recently been reconfigured in some states to allow an earlier start while still in school.
Many people continue to work in architecture firms without completing these exams because of the time and energy they require. However, there are a number of resources available to help candidates pass the exams. After completing these requirements…
you’re a licensed Architect!
[DA] can help.
[DA] clubs
[DA] clubs is designed to introduce you to the field of architecture, provide a space to discuss ideas and create design projects, and hear from professionals and college students about what they do and why they do it.
Being part of a [DA] club shows colleges that you have taken initiative to learn more than was required about architecture, and introduces you to potential college references.
[DA] camps
[DA] camps connects you to the amazing design camps that we partner with. Get out of your comfort zone and spend a week creating and conversing with other students, design professionals, and college professors.
Attending design camps looks great on your college resume, the design work you complete will be an excellent addition to your design portfolio, and it’s a LOT of fun.
[DA] development
[DA] development is for high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors who have begun creating their design portfolio, and for seniors who are preparing for their first year of architecture school.
You will be connected with a design professional, college student, or college professor who will help you build and refine your portfolio, and write your college essays.
[DA] scholarships
[DA] provides scholarships in the form of financial assistance for design camps and college tuition, as well as work opportunities at local firms for college students during summer and winter breaks.
Employment opportunity scholarships help you begin creating your professional network, form relationships leading to future employment, and gain mentors in the field.
feature coming soon!
coming fall 2024